Divorce Coaching & Planning

Helping you make better choices for better results

Over 25 years of experience

(Retired Lawyer • Mediator • Private Judge)

Welcome to Divorce with Confidence

A welcome message to Divorce with Confidence, a divorce coaching & planning production. To learn more about Divorce with Confidence, please visit divorcewithconfidence.org.  There you can download the free eBook, Divorce with Confidence, gain valuable tips, and ask questions.  Divorce with Confidence is sponsored in part by…


With the help of a Divorce Coach, you will be knowledgeable and in control. With knowledge and control comes the confidence to make the right decisions.

Free confidential interview & evaluation with no obligation

We Literally Wrote The Book


The choices you make determine your future

In some ways, divorce is like any other challenge - It’s an experience you don’t want but one that must be handled well.  In other ways, Divorce is like no other challenge because it strikes at the core of your stability.  The security you thought you could count on is replaced with the reality of insecurity and your biggest enemy becomes your mind.  You can’t escape the thoughts and questions that grip you at all hours of the day and night:

“What will happen to me?”

“How will I survive?”

“What will happen to the kids?”

“Should I leave the house?”

“How will I tell the kids?”

“Should I wait till the kids are adults?”

“Will we lose the house?”

“Should I hire a lawyer?”

“How will I find a good lawyer?”

“What should I do?!”

“I can’t go on like this anymore!”

You’re not alone. You can and will get through this. When faced with any challenge, it’s the choices you make that make the difference. You just need help seeing your options and then choosing the right one at the right time. Every choice you make can change the direction of your life and I have the experience to help you choose wisely.

Schedule your Free Confidential Consultation Now

What is a Divorce Coach?

A Divorce Coach is a professional who guides you through the divorce process and helps you choose the best option. There are many important decisions you need to make and each one has the potential to change the direction of your divorce and, without exaggeration, the rest of your life. I will help you:

  • Identify
  • Prioritize
  • Decide
  • Move forward

I have the expertise and experience in all issues related to divorce as well as the temperament to keep you calm as you make important decisions.

How do I know if I need a coach?

If you’re confused, overwhelmed and unsure, you need a divorce coach. Important decisions need to be made at a time when most people are emotionally compromised.

Why hire a Divorce Coach now?

I can help you understand one of the first and most important decisions you need to make – whether to hire an attorney or not. There are many choices available for divorce and the process you choose will dramatically affect how it goes. For some situations, a lawyer is necessary while for others, it is absolutely the wrong choice.

I will guide you through every step of the process. I will provide support and guidance as issues develop. I will help you decide if, when, and how to fight, if at all. I will help you keep perspective on what matters in the long run, and how to get the expert advice on the different subjects (financial, parental, psychological, legal, etc.)

I will help you develop skills for the negotiations. With my help, you will be clear about what is important to you in the final resolution. Identifying what matters most and where you may compromise is one of the challenges of divorce.

I will help you build or strengthen skills to cope with your emotions, especially at meetings with your spouse, your lawyer, in mediation, or at court.

In short, I will help you understand and think through the many decisions you need to make. You will feel confident and articulate in expressing what matters to you without being hijacked by emotions. This makes the process more efficient and cost-effective!

How do I find a Divorce Coach?

Divorce coaches are like any other professional – there is a wide range of quality to choose from and you must interview as many as you have time and patience for. In interviewing a coach, allow them to describe the process and how they will help you. After you found at least two or three with whom you feel comfortable, then let your instinct decide.

Contact us today for a Free confidential interview & evaluation with no obligation.